Helping others is a very important thing, because it shows that you are a good person. Today I saw a video about teamwork. It was about a girl named Sarah that was injured while in a softball game. What surprised me was that none of her teammates went to help her out, but instead the opposing team went to help Sarah. Two players from Central Washington, the opposing team, Liz and Mallary went to help Sarah out. They carried her to every single base and Sarah touched all the bases with her left foot because her right foot was injured. I think this was a very sweet thing of Liz and Mallary to do. Even if they were playing against Sarah's team, they still went to help her out. Now that is what I call teamwork :) Always choose the right!
What is sportsmanship? Is it just helping others who have helped you? Sportsmanship is helping people around you when they need help, even if they may be strangers. When you help someone out, that makes you feel good about yourself. It also shows the person that you’re helping, that you have a good charatcer and you are a very caring person. It also shows that you have a big heart because you’re taking time to help someone in need.
If I see someone around me that needs help, I try my best to give that person my help. What are some examples of sportsmanship? The littlest things can be sportsmanship. It’s a great thing to help others because you are helping people out when other people don’t. In a soccer game, a player might stumble and fall, and there will always be that helpful teammate that will help them up. It’s a great feeling to know that someone is always going to be there to help you. Choose the right, and show sportsmanship! :)