Wellness is making the right health choices that can lead to a more successful existence. This also means being healthy and disease free. I really didn’t know what wellness meant, but in easier words, it means to make healthy decisions that benefit you. Some examples of different types of wellness are: physical wellness, spiritual wellness, emotional wellness, and environmental wellness.
Your health is VERY important. In order to keep your health in a good state, you have to eat your fruits and vegetable and be sure to take your vitamins. (: You have to take really good care of yourself, because if you don’t, it can lead to diseases and that can be very dangerous. Hygiene is a very important role for your health. You have to maintain your body clean because that is good for your health. Washing your hands is also important, because if you don’t wash your hands often, it can affect your body and you can get sick. Nobody likes getting sick! So, wash your hands before and after every meal J
Fitness is a MUST. Exercising can be tiring, but you have to do it because if there is no fitness, it can affect your wealth. Many people are involved in sports, which is great because that involves exercising and that improves your fitness level. Exercising can be fun! For example, there are some games for the Wii that are for exercising. “Just Dance” is a game that involves many dancing moves, and that is exercising. I think that children get more exercise than adults because the children play and run around in school and they also have physical education during school too J There are other things I could say about wellness, health, and fitness, and all you have to do is choose the right! :p
Awesome video: Health is wealth. Thanks for sharing this post.Absolutely exercise is the main goal for wellness.