Class of 2011, Legends! SWAG.


Friday, January 14, 2011

Popular Dances: Dougie & Catdaddy (:

It all started when Cali Swag District released a song named "Teach me How to Dougie". Dougie-ing got so popular after that, and it's still popular at this moment. I really liked the dance, so I started watching videos to learn and now everywhere I go, I start doing the dougie randomly. In my opinion, the best person that can dougie is Chris Brown because he adds so much energy and movements when he does his dougie. Many jerking crews like "The Rangers" and "Marvel Inc" post videos of them doing the dougie which proves that dougie-ing is popular all over California.

Another popular dance right now is the catdaddy. People do this dance while they do their dougie. The catdaddy was made by "The Rej3ctz" and as soon as they made their video for that dance, everyone started doing the catdaddy. So many dances are being made right now that involve the dougie since it's so popular.  These dances are so popular that people are starting to make shirts that say "And Then I Hit My Dougie" and for people that are so advanced in doing the dougie (like me :p) are competing in a place called the Backhouse Party where they can claim their titles for Dougie Queen and Dougie King.


  1. every time i see you. you're dougie-ing. you are sooo good at it hehehe :)

  2. I love this post! haha and i think i have seen you dougie-ing too :P
